Sunday, March 16, 2008

How it all started

I grew up in the foothills of Colorado, just about a half an hour from our town. My house was near an area where the water runoff flowed through, and had created something of a mini-canyon. From top to bottom, the whole thing was about half a mile long, and at the widest spot, I would guess it was about 30 feet across, and 10 feet deep. This was the area we called the Ditch.

Down in the ditch, my friends and I would run around, shooting bb guns and slingshots, damming up the stream, (or breaking dams over unfortunate doomed towns made up of model railroad or Lego buildings), building forts with wood scrounged from the neighborhood dads, or sneaking out at night to play laser tag. Basically, the ditch was where we would explore and have fun.

I want to have a life where the spirit of the ditch is alive and well... where I have fun, try new things, explore, learn about cool stuff, and seek out new adventures. So, that's what this blog will be about. Enjoy!

1 comment:

The Gnat's Trumpet said...

Cool title for the blog. I look forward to reading more of your entries.